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来源:汽车实用技术 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-19





[13] But that scenario11scenario 情形,情境。depends on a societal shift from private vehicle ownership to commercial fleets of driverless cars that can be quickly summoned with a phone app. Driverless fleets12fleet 车队。would have to become super-efficient carpools,picking up and dropping off multiple passengers traveling in the same direction.

[14] The congestion nightmare would result if a large share of people can’t be persuaded to effectively share robot cars with strangers and to continue using mass transit, Isaac said.

[15] A study last year by the International Transport Forum, a transportation policy think tank, simulated13simulate 模仿,模拟。the impact on traffic in Lisbon, Portugal, if conventional cars were replaced with driverless cars that take either a single passenger at a time or several passengers together.

It found that as long as half of travel is still carried out by conventional cars,total vehicle miles traveled will increase from 30 to 90 percent, suggesting that even widespread sharing of driverless cars would mean greater congestion for a long time.

[16] Airlines also may face new competition as people choose to travel by car at speeds well over 100 mph between cities a few hundred miles apart instead of flying. Transit agencies will need to rethink their services in order to stay competitive, especially because the elimination of a driver would make carsharing services cheaper.






[17] To make the shared-vehicle model work, government would have to impose congestion pricing on highway,restrict parking in urban centers, add more high-occupancy vehicle lanes14high-occupancy vehicle lane高载率车道,即HOV车道,指为提倡拼车以降低汽车空载率,减少能源消耗,缓解交通压力而修建的拼车车道。车道上有HOV标志。and take other measures to discourage people from traveling alone in their self-driving cars.

[18] Land-use policies may need to be adjusted to prevent sprawl15sprawl 杂乱无序地拓展。, or people will move beyond the fringes of metropolitan areas for low-cost housing because they can work while commuting at high speeds. Taxes based on the number of miles a personal vehicle travels are another way to discourage car travel.

[19] All these policy changes would be controversial and difficult to achieve.

[20] While there are “loads of likely positive impacts for society associated with driverless technology,” people are right to worry about potential for huge increases in congestion, Isaac said.

“Without any government influence,”she said, “human nature is to get into that single occupancy vehicle.”


文章来源:《汽车实用技术》 网址: http://www.qcsyjs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0119/715.html


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